About the Journal

Sempugi: Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat is a scientific journal that focuses on issues related to community service and community empowerment.

This journal aims to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners, and academics to share experiences, knowledge, and innovations in an effort to improve the quality of life and community empowerment.

Important Information:

Main Objective: Sempugi aims to facilitate discussion and dissemination of research results, best practices, and conceptual ideas related to community service. The journal serves as a platform to encourage a better understanding of the issues faced by communities, as well as efforts to improve their conditions.

Journal Scope: Sempugi covers a wide range of topics, including community service programs, empowerment projects, collaboration between academics and communities, innovation in social problem solving, as well as theoretical concepts that support community service practice.

Publication Format: The journal is available in an online format, allowing wider access for readers and authors around the world.

Peer Review Process: Each submitted manuscript will go through a process of assessment by independent experts in the relevant field. Rigorous peer review is used to ensure the quality and relevance of each published article.

Publication Frequency: Sempugi is published periodically in accordance with the established publishing schedule.

Invitation to Authors: Sempugi Editorial Team invites researchers, practitioners, and academics to submit their best manuscripts related to community service and community empowerment.

Sempugi: Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat aims to be a useful source of knowledge for those interested in efforts to improve community welfare and encourage positive change in society. With its community service-focused approach, the journal plays an important role in connecting academic research with real needs in the field.