Open Access Policy

Albirru: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Pendidikan Dasar is committed to the principle of open access to scholarly research. Our open access policy aims to make research freely available to the public, supporting the global exchange of knowledge and enhancing the impact of research in the field of primary education.

Key Points of Our Open Access Policy:

  1. Free Access: All articles published in Albirru are freely available online immediately upon publication, without any subscription fees or access barriers.
  2. Copyright: Authors retain copyright of their work. Articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), which allows others to share and adapt the work, as long as they give appropriate credit to the original author(s).
  3. Archiving: We ensure long-term preservation and access to all our published content through partnerships with reliable digital archiving services.
  4. No Publication Fees: Albirru does not charge authors any fees for submission, processing, or publication of their articles.
  5. Reuse Rights: Readers are free to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles published in Albirru, without requiring permission from the authors or the publisher.
  6. Indexing: We actively work to ensure our open access content is indexed in major academic databases to increase visibility and accessibility.
  7. Data Sharing: We encourage authors to make their research data openly available, where appropriate, to support transparency and reproducibility in research.
  8. Author's Rights: Authors are free to deposit their published articles in institutional repositories or on personal websites, as long as they provide a link to the original publication in Albirru.
  9. Compliance: Our open access policy complies with major research funders' requirements for open access publication.

By adhering to this open access policy, Albirru: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Pendidikan Dasar aims to contribute to the wider dissemination of knowledge in primary education, fostering innovation, collaboration, and progress in the field.For any questions regarding our open access policy, please contact the editorial office.