Author Guidelines

Manuscript Format

  1. File Format: Submit your manuscript as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).
  2. Font: Use Arial Nova Cond, 12-point size throughout the manuscript.
  3. Spacing: Use 1.0 line spacing for the entire document.
  4. Margins: Set 1-inch (2.54 cm) margins on all sides. Each paragraph should be indented by 1 cm (10 spaces).
  5. Language: Manuscripts can be submitted in either Indonesian or English.

Manuscript Structure

  1. Title:
    • Use bold Arial Nova Cond, 16-point size, 1.0 spacing, center-aligned.
    • Should reflect the main content of the research concisely, clearly, and informatively.
  2. Author Information:
    • Include full names of all authors involved in the research.
    • Use bold Arial Nova Cond, 12-point size, 1.0 spacing, center-aligned.
    • If all authors are from the same affiliation, no numbering is necessary.
  3. Author Affiliations:
    • List the affiliations/institutions of each author.
    • Use Arial Nova Cond, 12-point size, 1.0 spacing, center-aligned.
    • If all authors share the same affiliation, list it only once.
  4. Corresponding Author Email: Include the email address of the main/corresponding author.
  5. Abstract:
    • Write in English, 150-250 words.
    • Should include background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusion.
  6. Keywords: List 3-5 keywords.
  7. Introduction:
    • Provide context, state objectives, and highlight the significance of the study.
    • Each paragraph should consist of 3-5 sentences.
  8. Methods:
    • Describe research design, participants, data collection, and analysis procedures.
    • Include ethical considerations if applicable.
  9. Results and Discussion:
    • Present findings clearly, using tables and figures where appropriate.
    • Interpret results and discuss implications.
  10. Conclusion:
    • Summarize main findings.
    • Provide recommendations for future research.
  11. Acknowledgments (Optional): Recognize individuals or institutions that contributed to the research.
  12. References: Follow APA 7th edition style, using reference management tools (e.g., Mendeley, Zotero).

Tables and Figures

  1. Number tables and figures consecutively.
  2. Provide clear titles for tables and captions for figures.
  3. Ensure all tables and figures are cited in the text.

Ethical Considerations

  1. Obtain and report ethical approval for research involving human subjects.
  2. Ensure proper attribution and obtain permission for copyrighted material.

Submission Process

  1. Ensure your manuscript adheres to all guidelines before submission.
  2. Submit your manuscript through the journal's online submission system.

For any queries regarding the submission process or author guidelines, please contact the editorial office.