About the Journal

Overview: "Journal of Pedagogical Linguistics Review" (PLR) is a premier academic journal dedicated to bridging the gap between linguistic theory and its application in educational settings. PLR serves as a nexus for educators, linguists, and practitioners who seek to understand the interplay between linguistics and pedagogy.

Aims and Scope: PLR endeavors to publish high-quality, original research articles, reviews, and case studies that address the challenges and opportunities presented when linguistic theory meets classroom practice. Our scope covers:

  • The practical application of phonetics, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics in teaching.
  • Innovations in teaching methodologies derived from linguistic research.
  • Case studies showcasing successful integration of linguistics in language education.
  • Reviews of instructional materials, tools, and technology grounded in linguistic principles.

Audience: Our readership includes language educators, applied linguists, curriculum designers, teacher trainers, and educational policymakers. PLR is essential reading for those at the forefront of integrating linguistic knowledge into the classroom.

Publication Frequency: PLR is published biannually, with special issues occasionally released in response to current trends or emerging topics in pedagogical linguistics.

Peer Review: All submissions undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review, ensuring the publication of only the most impactful and relevant research in the field of pedagogical linguistics.


Journal title : Journal of Pedagogical Linguistic Review
Abbreviation : JPLR
Template : Template
Frequency : 3 issues per year (Januari, Mei, dan September)
DOI : -
Language : English/Indonesian
Editor-in-chief : Sukmawaty
Publisher : South Sulawesi Education Development (SSED)
Citation Analysis : Google Scholar, Dimension, Garuda, Crossref