A: Article Template can be download form this Link

Q: How to register and submit Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini ?
A: Tutorial register can be download at this link or this Video

Q: How to author Copy Editing ?
A: This tutorial copy editing for Author

Q: How to install in Android?
A: Please download in this link

Q: How about Review Guidelines?
A: Review Guidelines can be read online review guideline

Q: How to field Form of Pernyataan Bebas Plagiasi?
A: Download Surat Pernyataan Bebas Plagiasi

Q: How to articles Submission ?
A: Tutorial for articles submission can be download from this link

Q: How to Revision article?
A: Tutorial revision articles can be download form this link

Q: How to download articles in Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini?
A: Tutorial for Download Article can be download from this link

Q: How to review articles ?
A: Tutorial for review can be download here

Q: How about acreditation Journal ?
A: Jurnal Obsesi have been acreditation on SINTA 2 SK 30/E/KPT/2019  11th November 2019